The Complete Guide to Hardware Product Development

hardware development process and lifecycle

Through extensive use of virtualization and learning in the digital world, General Motors cut the Hummer EV’s launch time in half [1]. This is because digital engineering shifts learning to the left by integrating virtual drawings, models, and simulations to get feedback before creating physical parts. Most of the EMS companies won’t take market sales into consideration at this point, and they generally focus on testing products. It is because most large corporations’ cases already have their own marketing strategies. On the contrary, makers and startups need to focus on maintaining originality and take future development into consideration. As a result, the PLM for makers and startups need to focus more on product concepts, market planning, interface design, and market analysis.

Business Model Canvas

hardware development process and lifecycle

Agile was originally designed around small, simple, single-team projects and it can be difficult to scale. Many organizations are finding a better solution is to tailor the methodology to the nature of the problem. That may require a blend, a convergence of agile and a project management solution or the Waterfall method in the right proportions to fit the situation.

  1. One approach is to use agile development tools, which further complicates the challenge of maintaining oversight.
  2. This includes developing a sourcing strategy to mitigate part shortages and other supply chain shocks.
  3. In the diagram, label the type and number of all serial ports required for the core component.

Agile hardware development explained

hardware development process and lifecycle

Chats can get cluttered quickly, especially when you’re collaborating with a remote team. If you want to get through a hardware development cycle without redesigns or failed board runs, it’s all about how you collaborate, especially if you work on a remote PCB design team. Here are some simple management and collaboration strategies you should follow to help you get through design cycles successfully.

Part 2: Common Hardware Product Development Mistakes To Avoid

No matter how much you love your intelligent connected hardware product, it doesn’t mean you’ll be able to find customers. To enable collaboration and value creation, a consumer electronics company built multiple bespoke digital tools. Its bespoke knowledge-sharing platform, for example, improved problem-solving efficiency because it directly shared the design calculations from the R&D unit within the team, as well as with the new product innovation team. The result of deployments such as these was a 20 percent decrease in knowledge-processing time and a reduction of 17 percent annually in engineering change orders. They produce deliverables very quickly, often in one- or two-week “sprints”—a short burst of focused activity, with regular check-ins and deadlines.

Here are my top 10 rules I have developed from working with hundreds of successful and failed products

Doing this early reduces the risk of wasting money on materials, tools, and processes required to start manufacturing. Notice that while there’s a logical flow, these stages don’t always occur sequentially. Sometimes it may be necessary to loop around and repeat steps, and if you follow an agile hardware development process (similar to that used in software development), they may overlap. Note that only one of these phases involves actual PCB design; two of these phases are all about gathering and analyzing requirements, and the last phase focuses on getting the product built and tested. Throughout the process, you’ll need to collaborate with multiple stakeholders to get a complex project completed successfully.

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The first step in hardware product development is to define what’s needed, which happens in the product requirements document (PRD). Teams identify and prepare for the possible unknowns and risks that are imminent over the course of the project. This includes developing a sourcing strategy to mitigate part shortages and other supply chain shocks. At this point, they start to formulate high-level product attributes that will eventually translate into specific requirements and features.

Preliminary designing is done to address the gaps between the design concept and the actual design. Start with the System—Level Block diagram to specify all the electronic functions and how they interconnect with other functional components. For any hardware product, a microcontroller is the core component that is allied with other components such as displays, sensors, memory chips, etc.

Up to 62% of salaries, 42% of materials and 32% of sub-contractor expenditures can be recovered through SR&ED. Crowdfunding campaigns are only as successful as the work you put into them, so if this is your first time, consider bringing on a professional to help and do your research ahead of time. After more than a year of dedication to their product’s development, MistyWest’s client TZOA successfully ran an IndieGoGo crowdfunding campaign in 2015 for their first wearable indoor air quality monitor. Focusing on too many intelligent connected features or products can eat up your resources, such as funding and engineering talent, and lead to wasted efforts. Once you’ve made sure you’re building the right thing (see Mistake 1), ignore your other product ideas, no matter how great, and focus on your MVP feature set.

Explore Altium Designer 24 technical documentation for Harness Design Preferences and related features. Explore Altium Designer 24 technical documentation for Creating a Harness Wiring Component and related features. Explore Altium Designer 24 technical documentation for Defining the Wiring Diagram and related features.

This provides an easy way to start programming the host controller and verifying whether different components in the system will produce the desired user experience. It’s difficult to predict what’s going to happen to agile and how the future will shape its evolution. There’s been a lot of experience applying agile to small, straightforward single-team development projects, then scaling agile to larger and more complicated enterprise-level solutions. Sometimes an engineering team has found out they don’t count on the skills or capabilities to develop certain technical requirements, and they look for outsourced product services that can help them advance on the project.

hardware development process and lifecycle

While it’s unlikely that you’ll be financing your entire business via crowdfunding, it can provide valuable working capital and, even more critically, market validation to raise additional capital against. Speed-to-market is the amount of time it takes to get from concept to delivery of the first revenue generating units delivered for a given product. Whether it’s B2B or B2C or B2B2C, when we’re talking about speed-to-market, there is always a trade-off between cost, performance and speed. Remember that prototyping is an iterative process that can take years; you will need to create many prototypes and test often to learn as much as possible before you lock down the feature set for your MVP.

This evolution is driven by factors that reshape their responsibilities and demand a more strategic approach. MistyWest’s years of experience as an engineering consultancy in new product development have given us unique insights into building hardware startups. We’ve helped see through hundreds of projects at various stages of development – ideation to research, prototypes to Minimum Viable Products (MVPs), and mass productization and product launches. ‍ Strictly speaking, any product engineering starts from a POC (proof-of-concept) prototype. The purpose of the POC is to prove the fundamental concept behind the product at the lowest possible cost. That is why POC prototyping highly benefits from market available development kits such as Arduino and Raspberry Pi or hardware/software development kits (HDK/SDK).

If you want a project to be successful under this hardware development methodology, it is important to foster collaboration and communication. Every person involved in the project needs to be informed about the progress, changes, and any roadblocks that show up. Also, this information needs to be communicated to the client, who needs to know how the project is evolving.

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